科研项目: 2020.6- 2023.6 教育部人文社会科学青年项目:基于共享经济的消费者风险感知及其行为机制研究 2019.3- 2021.3 金沙威尼斯欢乐人城哲学社会科学培育计划项目:生态文明时代绿色发展方式的柔性管理政策研究 论文: 1. Investigation and penalty on major industrial accidents in China: The influence of environmental pressures. Safety Science 76 (2015) 32–41(SCI, IF 2.157,中科院SCI期刊2区)。 2. Publics’ perceived overcrowding risk and their adoption of precautionary actions: a study of holiday travel in China.Journal of Risk Research,(2019) 22(7),844-864.(SSCI)。 3. Assessing the impacts of tourism events on city development in China: a perspective of event system.Current Issues in Tourism,(2019),(SSCI,在线发表)。 4. The relationships of communication intensity, CEO commitment, cause fit and media reputation: evidence from Chinese marathon title sponsors, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, (2020),(SSCI,https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSMS-11-2019-0130)。 |